Friday, July 19, 2013

US Enrichment

Where is the one place that you want to visit in the United States? 

Your enrichment assignment is to write a one page response to the question where would you like to visit in the United States, providing the reasons why you want to go there.  You must also provide a map of where it is located in the United States and a map of the state that it is in (showing its location).   It may be helpful to do some research about the place that you chose to show that you have some background knowledge of the location. 


I have always wanted to travel to New York and see Niagara Falls.   Niagara Falls is the largest waterfalls in the United States.  It connects Lake Erie to Lake Ontario and is on the border of both the United States and Canada.  This feature is known for its immense power and beauty.  I would take a boat ride at the bottom of the falls to get a closer look at its strength and beauty...

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